How to Get Your Spouse Interested in Prepping



Let’s be clear from the get-go, I’m way more into prepping than my husband. My husband likes prepping and camping and hiking and all that jazz, but in the end, he lets me take the reins and do whatever I want, prepping-wise, for the household. He knows I’m tuned in deep into the prepper world and will do what’s best for the family. He gets involved on occasion and offers his advice for many things and we always talk about big projects, like rain barrels or possible solar panels, but for the most part; it’s all me.

And I’m okay with that! I LOVE prepping! I think it’s so much fun.

Not a lot of women will say that, though. But on the flip side, not a lot of men will say that, either.

So let’s say you have a spouse (or maybe just a significant other, but in this case we’ll call all significant others ‘spouse’), whether male or female, that just isn’t into prepping because they think it’s a waste of time, money or just doesn’t get it. What do you do?

Step 1: I think just like with anything in a serious relationship, you need to sit down with your spouse and have an open, honest, serious, calm discussion about it. It’s just like with any decision that is being made in a household in this modern age, both parties need to come to together to discuss something of importance that impacts the household. Don’t let your spouse just say ‘eh, yeah, we’ll talk about it sometime.’ Schedule the time and let them know that this is serious to you and in turn, should be serious to them, to at least listen to you.

Step 2: Bring a list of positive outcomes. Don’t just talk about how prepping is ‘fun’ and ‘cool’ and throw out reasons why YOU like to prep. You need to talk in terms of someone who has ZERO interest in prepping. Talk about how it’s going to benefit everyone in the short and long term. Here are some things you may want to bring up:

  • What if one of us lost our jobs? Having a supply of food on hand could really help us get by.
  • What if the lights were to go out for an extended period of time? Having a blackout kit could really help us remain calm and worry about getting the lights back on, instead of wasting time just trying to find a flashlight.
  • What if there’s an emergency in which we must evacuate the home quickly? Such as a fire or flood? It’d be helpful to have some sort of plan in place so we’re all on the same page for evacuating our home.

By bringing up these seemingly “smaller” emergencies, you can help him/her realize that being a prepper isn’t all about conspiracy theories; it’s just good sense!

You could also bring up certain things about your region. If you live in a place that gets a lot of snow, you may experience getting blocked in with snow during the winter and will need food. water and heat rations. Or if you live in tornado alley or hurricane prone areas, etc.

Step 3: Talk about it in the sense of insurance/home care. You have insurance for your car. Insurance for your house (or rental insurance). You have health insurance. You have a fire extinguisher in case of fire. You have a first aid kit for minor injuries. You can think about prepping as a sort of life insurance. Though in this case, you’re self-sufficient, being able to help yourselves, whether there’s help available or not. It’s pretty difficult to ignore the fact that it’d be awesome to be able to handle a situation on your own without needing anyone’s help.

At this point, you’ve brought up nothing but common sense. So whether your spouse is ready to jump in and help, or whether they simply accept the need to be prepared, take the win!


What if your spouse simply won’t listen?

If your spouse is still spitting, hacking and rolling their eyes at the mere idea of common sense prepping…then you may have to concede for the time being and continue prepping on your own.

DO NOT let your spouse deter YOU from getting prepared!

I know a couple who’s spouse accepts the idea of being prepared, but doesn’t do anything to help. Then I know LOTS of couples who’s spouse doesn’t accept the idea, but the prepper doesn’t stop prepping.

It’s OKAY if your spouse doesn’t support you right away. Just keep doing what you do best and when an emergency or disaster comes about, y’all will have your preps to work with and hopefully your spouse will see the benefit.

Unless you live in Alaska or the deep North of Canada, you may think that people who live in these extreme climates are prepared, but more often than not, they aren’t. The extreme climate or disaster or emergency or whatever, comes and goes and they forget all about it and do nothing to prepare for next time.

So in conclusion, have a logical, calm discussion with your spouse, if your spouse still doesn’t agree with anything having to do with being prepared, then keep doing what you’re doing until the day comes when your spouse does come around. It may take a while, but they will. At the very least, they’ll accept it.


Do you have a spouse that is hard headed when it comes to prepping?


Do you have a spouse that is on board with prepping?


Tell me in the comments below!

Morgan is the founder of Rogue Preparedness. She has been a prepper for over a decade. She's a wife, mother of two daughters and is homesteading off grid. She teaches people how to be prepared for emergencies and disasters.

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  1. I introduced the topic to my spouse with a gift. That is a really good way to soften the discussion. “Hey honey, I got you something it’s called a bug out bag.”

    “That’s sweet…what’s a bug out bag?” :)

    I explained it’s for emergencies, to have the equipment you need on hand to grab and go at a moment’s notice.

    As we talked, we went over the things in the bag, their potential uses, and stocked the bag with feminine hygiene items, medical supplies, and emergency cash.

    As we set it in her closet, she was relieved. It slowly washed over her that she was more secure, more safe, and more prepared! She wanted to take it back out of the closet and try it on. I couldn’t stop her.

    Her little face filled with determination!

    1. That’s fantastic that she was so receptive to the idea! Many, many are not. But very happy to hear of your success! :)

  2. My Spouse new she married a man who was different but when I told her to start buying some little extras (1 can good & 1 dry store) thing when she went grocery shopping. I started getting more equipment together, slowly but surely as we have a severely handicapped daughter and a military family as well. As natural events occurred, she quickly noticed how much better equipped we were than our neighbors. She slowly came around to be a full believer! The jokes from her side of the family have also ceased as we have bailed their butts out multiple times with our generator, electrical cords, and stored gasoline….etc. life prepared is an easier life!

    1. That is fantastic news! It sounds like you started her off slow and she’s just realized it’s better for everyone. Love to hear that. :) Thank you for sharing!!

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