I Don’t Have Time To Get Prepared

there's no perfect time to get prepared

One of the most common excuses I hear for people who are interested in preparedness, say that they simply can’t find the time to do anything.

I understand that we’re all very busy, but let’s break it down:

We all have 24 hours in a day.

It’s not that you’re “too busy”, you’re just not prioritizing what needs to get done. Once you start saying, “That’s not a priority” instead of “I don’t have time”, you’ll really start to realize what you’re actually prioritizing.

Are you prioritizing Netflix every night? Maybe one of those hours of Netflix binge watching could be devoted to some sort of preparedness task?

Once I started saying, “That’s not a priority” or “I didn’t make that a priority”, it really dawned on me, “Well what am I prioritizing?”

Getting started with something new, is always tough. A new hobby, a new job; whatever it is, it can be intimidating.

My best advice:

Baby steps.

You’ve already made the decision to get prepared; congratulations!

What’s the next step?

Start with something small, but just START!

Don’t worry about if it’s the “right” thing to do. There is no “right” place to start; there’s only action. If you decide to never take action because you’re scared that you’re going to mess up, here’s a secret…

Every single prepper ever has made mistakes.

Wait, let me rephrase that…

Every single PERSON ever has made mistakes.

It’s not about the mistakes, it’s about learning and continuing forward no matter what.

My first bug out bag was an absolute nightmare! I didn’t know anything about anything, but I just made it because I knew I wanted one to be prepared.

Soon after I made it, I continued to learn and soak in more information and realize that I needed to adjust. Ever since that first bug out bag, I’ve made hundreds of changes to my bug out bag (which I now call a BONCH (Bug Out Never Coming Home) bag) and I will continue to make changes.

The same goes for every aspect of my prepping; I’m continually changing. That’s a good thing! We should never stop learning and never stop advancing our preps to make sure we’re in the best position possible to better handle emergencies and disasters.

If you’re looking for somewhere to start, here’s my top three suggestions:

1. Start with food and water – when you’re grocery shopping, pick up a few cans of food, pick up a few gallons of water; boom, your food and water storage is well on the way!

2. Develop an emergency disaster plan – It’s so important to know exactly what you’re going to when an emergency or disaster happens. Do you know where you’re going to go if you need to bug out? Do you know what to do if a tornado is about to pass through? Write up an emergency action plan.

3. Write down your skills – I always think it’s a good idea to know what skills you currently have and what skills you need to acquire. Write down the skills you currently have (include EVERYTHING, even if you think it’s not “prepper” related…EVERYTHING is prepper related). Look at your list of skills then think about some skills that you’d like to learn. Want to learn how to woodcraft? Maybe you want to learn sign language? Maybe you want to learn how to cook? These are all important skills.

Prioritize at least 30 minutes a week to preparedness. You can find the time, I know you can!

Conquer tomorrow, by preparing today!

Morgan is the founder of Rogue Preparedness. She has been a prepper for over a decade. She's a wife, mother of two daughters and is homesteading off grid. She teaches people how to be prepared for emergencies and disasters.

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