Where to Buy Grains in Bulk & How to Store Them

You probably saw my video a while back about the alternatives to wheat, right? |
I believe in having a layered plan for all of my preps, including food. So I know how to forage or grow my own, and I also store grains.
Here’s where you can buy bulk grains:
• Wheat berries of any kind – Can be found at Azure Standard, Winco, LDS, local farms and Amazon (way more expensive on Amazon, but also a lot cheaper than other online places).Â
• Whole dry corn – Can be found in bulk at Azure Standard, Amazon and local farms.Â
• Oats – Azure Standard, Amazon, Winco, LDS, your local grocery store in smaller quantities.Â
• White Rice – Azure Standard, Amazon, LDS, Winco, your local grocery store in smaller quantities.Â
• Barley – Azure Standard, Amazon, sometimes in local grocery stores, though I don’t see it too often. There are some bulk places online if you do an internet search.Â
• Rye – Azure Standard and Amazon are your best bets here. There are some bulk places online if you do an internet search.Â
• Millet – Azure Standard, Amazon, Walmart.comÂ
Of course, I’m sure there are plenty of other places, those are just the major places.Â
How long will grains last?
The barley is the only one that’s not a good candidate for mylar or oxygen absorber. You can place those in a vacuum sealed bag for about 1-2 years, but it needs to be used up within that amount of time.
Also, brown rice is also not a good candidate for mylar or really, vacuum sealed because of the high moisture content. I would recommend storing in an air tight container and using regularly.
Everything else should be stored in a mylar bag with an oxygen absorber. These grains can last anywhere from 5-20+ years.
I do recommend rotating them, though. Maybe every few years, use the grains and replace with new ones. Not because they’ll go bad, but just to use them and have the freshest available possible. Also, you’ll be familiar with how to grind and use the grains if you’re rotating regularly.
Remember, there are a ton of wild grains out there, and some grains you can even grow yourself for a pretty good yield, even in small spaces, so be sure to click the first link to watch my video for grain alternatives. You may have to learn to cook with those grains a bit differently than wheat, but they’re still viable options.Â
This is my manual grinder.
This is my electric grinder.Â
If you plan on buying mylar bags, I encourage you to get them from Wallaby Goods, honestly the best mylar bags I’ve ever used in my 10+ years of prepping. Use my code: ROGUEPREPAREDNESS for $5 off!