What is a bug out bag?
A bug out bag is categorized as a bag with emergency items inside of it that will help get you through a 72 hour period in the even of an emergency or disaster.
Why do they call it a bug out bag?
The term ‘bug out bag’ comes from the emergency bag that military aviators carried. It was carried due to an event in which the unit would need to evacuate or ‘bug out’.
How long should a bug out bag last?
A good place to start is 72 hours worth of supplies. This would mean 72 hours worth of water, food, shelter, hygiene, security and other needed items.
Do I need a bug out bag?
It’s recommended that each person in the household has a bag of their own for emergencies, even pets. You never know when you may need to flee your home, work, school, etc. Even if you feel you would never have a reason to bug out, plan for the unexpected and have a bag ready to go.
What items should be in a bug out bag?
Take a look at this guide that talks about the exact contents.
In general, you want to carry the basics:
- Food
- Water
- Security
- Fire
- Shelter
- Cordage
- Clothing
- Important documents
- First aid/medications
When would I take a bug out bag?
You would take a bug out bag any time you’re about to flee/evacuate/bug out from your home, work, school, etc. There are many circumstances such as wildfires, hurricanes, chemical spills, civil unrest and other major events that may force you to leave your home for some time. By having a bag ready to go, you can simply grab the bag and go, without having to pack anything. It saves valuable time and stress.
What kind of bag is best for a bug out bag?
Any bag will work. Here are some ideas:
- Backpack
- Suitcase
- Duffle bag
- Tote bag
- Sling pack
It doesn’t need to be complicated, nor does it need to be a ‘backpack’. Whatever is going to work best for your needs, situation and budget. In most cases, you’ll be throwing it in your vehicle and only wearing it if you were forced to go on foot.
Practice with the bag and make sure it fits your needs in the vehicle, on a bike and while walking. Go for a walk with it, go for a bike ride, go off roading with it, go camping with it, etc.
What are the best foods for a bug out bag?
Here’s a big list with some food suggestions for your bug out bag.
Some things to keep in mind about food:
- Ready to eat foods won’t require any time to cook
- Most freeze dried foods can be eaten without boiling water, can even be eaten straight out of the bag without rehydrating, but be sure to have plenty of water around so you don’t dehydrate yourself
- Keep food needs in mind for kids
- Rotate your bug out bag food every 6 months
How much water should be in a bug out bag?
It’s recommended that you carry at least a days worth of water, if not 72 hours worth. I know this sounds like a difficult task, but you may be able to throw in some gallons of water into your vehicle, along with your bag. There’s no guarantee you’ll have time to stop and access water as you’re trying to escape, nor will there be access to water wherever you plan on going. However, you should also have a water purification method or two in your bag, as well as ways to collect water.
Here are some ideas on how to carry water in your bug out bag.
Where do you keep a bug out bag?
Keep your bug out bag as accessible as possible. Don’t bury it in the depths of a closet or up in a difficult to access attic. Keep it in a closet near the door, garage door or even in your bedroom closet.
When you hear or suspect that an emergency is impending, take the bag(s) out and stage them near the door that you’ll be exiting (garage door, main door, back door, etc.) or even stage it inside of your vehicle.
How much should a bug out bag weigh?
It should weigh as much as you’re able to handle. I would recommend not going by a certain poundage. Instead, go by how it feels when you have it on/carrying it.
Throw it on and walk around your house. Then walk around your neighborhood. Then take a hike with it. If it feels too heavy, it may either be because you need to train with it more, or it simply needs to be adjusted. Adjust your bag to fit your exact needs. If you think it’s too heavy, then adjust. If you think it’s good, then it’s good.
What is an INCH bag?
INCH stands for ‘I’m Never Coming Home’. This would be a bag that extends beyond the time bug out bag. You may have items in it that will help you to hunt, fish, etc. It’s a good that will help get you through a period longer than 72 hours.
I like to call my bag the BONCH, ‘Bug Out Never Coming Home’ bag. It’s a hybrid of a 72 hours bag with some items mixed in to help me expand beyond 72 hours.
Your bag doesn’t have to conform to any standards. Make it fit your needs for your specific circumstances.
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