13 Ways To Use Beeswax – Emergency Preparedness

ways to use beeswax

I love beeswax. I think it’s just the bees knees. Yep. I just said that.

I used to use soy wax for all of my candle making, but after I discovered beeswax, I fell in love. Then I discovered the umpteen amount of ways that beeswax can be used, especially for preparedness purposes.

There’s so much more to beeswax than just making candles.

Instead of storing candles, I store beeswax and lots of it. When I get down to a pound, I get all anxious and need to buy more!

We’re in the process of getting bees soon, but until that happens, I’ll continue to buy beeswax from local suppliers.

Put up an ad on Facebook Marketplace or Craigslist saying that you’re looking for beeswax from local beekeepers. If you can’t find any that way, then go to eBay, Etsy or Amazon and source beeswax that way. I prefer the pellets, they’re easier to work with, but the bars work, too.

Here are 13 ways to use beeswax for everyday and preparedness:


I exclusively make my own salve. It works like neosporin, except it’s all natural and extremely easy to make yourself. It also lasts a very long time, as only a little is needed at a time. I also sell my homemade salve in my store.


Of course, make your own candles! I like to make mine in altoids tins.

Wax food wrap

Basically, rub beeswax on cotton squares, place into the oven on a low setting for 10 minutes, flip, put it in for another 10. Now you have a reusable wrap for sandwiches or other snacks. And you can easily clean it (always use cold water).

Bowstring lubricant

Rub some wax on your bowstring to keep it strong and keep it from fraying.


Rub some wax on your shoes, backpack or other gear and you can instantly waterproof it.


I love making my own chapstick, it’s the only chapstick I like using these days. It takes a few simple ingredients and blammo! You not only have 1 chapstick…you have multiple!

Fix’n wax

Fix’n wax is basically wax and oil combined to make a nice lubricant, rub it on leather, zippers, etc. It’s kind of an all-in-one fixer. I put mine in a small altoids tin.

Fire starter

There are so many different kinds of fire starters you can make but one of the base ingredients for the majority of them is wax. And in my case, beeswax. Make some fire starters!

DIY crayons

Have kids? Do they like to draw? Make some crayons! It’s a fun DIY project for you and your kids and you’ll be saving some money by being able to make your own.

Lotion bars

Lotion bars are a fun, easy DIY project. You use the bars like you would any other lotion, except they’re in bar shape! It’s pretty neat.

General lubrication

Rub some wax on stuck zippers or anything else you need to lubricate and it works extremely well.

Prevent rust on tools

Rub some beeswax on tools to prevent them from rusting.

Make dental floss

Take one of the inside strands of paracord then use beeswax and rub it along the string. You can use just the string by itself, but using the wax on it makes it so it easily slides in and out between your teeth.

There are numerous other ways to use beeswax but these are some of my favorites. It’s safe to eat which is one of the reasons I enjoy using it with everything, especially for my kids.

What are some other ways that we can use beeswax?

Morgan is the founder of Rogue Preparedness. She has been a prepper for over a decade. She's a wife, mother of two daughters and is homesteading off grid. She teaches people how to be prepared for emergencies and disasters.

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