Does it Need an Oxygen Absorber or Not? – CHART FREE DOWNLOAD
With the varied ways to store dried foods for emergency food storage, it can get a little confusing.
- What’s the shelf life?
- Does it need an oxygen absorber?
- Does it need a silica packet?
- Should it be in a mylar bag or vacuum sealed bag?
The questions are endless! And sometimes I even stop and go, “wait, what’s the best way to store this?” Especially if it’s a new product that I haven’t stored before.
Someone in the Rogue Preparedness community asked if there was a chart or something they could reference for this types of questions and I couldn’t think of anything…so I created it!
With the help of my friend, Melonie, another amazing preparedness advocate, we tried to think of the most common dried foods that would need to be stored in a mylar bag or vacuum sealed bag.
I erred on the side of caution with many of the shelf lives. If you have experience with something lasting longer, or not as long, by all means, use your best judgement.
This chart is meant to be a guide, something you can quickly refer to when you need to.
Download the chart here for free!
Click on the ‘shelf life guide’.
Be sure to share with your friends and family that may need some help when it comes to storing dried foods for long term food storage.
Don’t forget to take a look at my other FREE DOWNLOADS!
Hi, I saw on your list shelf life guide, that you have Baking Powder as using oxygen absorbers.
I thought using oxygen absorber would make the package or jar explode, like baking soda?
Also, Brown rice?
brown rice, in general, has a high oil content and shouldn’t be stored for long term anyway. If storing brown rice, just put in mylar bag for short term period.
the sheet says no oxygen absorber for baking powder. I’m not sure which sheet you’re seeing. I’ll double-check.
Your shelf life checklist indicates that you can use an oxygen absorber with brown rice. I watched a prepper video that the speaker said not to. She was concerned about brown rice developing botulism. I noticed that the shelf life for brown rice is 5 years. Have you eaten brown rice that you have stored with oxygen absorbers and had no issues?
I’m not sure why it said that, it’s been updated.
Can you tell me whether you can add an oxygen absorber to a dry hot chocolate mix?
Doesn’t it have a lot of sugar in it? I’m wondering how best to store these plastic bags of hot chocolate that I got that have a pretty short shelf life.
I would look to the ingredients, if it does have sugar then that would be correct, no oxygen absorber.
I have searching for list on what to use oxygen absorbers on….Thanks