How To Be Prepared For Anything – Rogue’s 31 Days to Readiness [Day 31]
Today is the last day of my 31 day preparedness challenge. I hope you’ve enjoyed this. Feel free to read the entire 31 days by clicking here.
Can you really be prepared for anything?
Yes. Kinda.
We can take a look at the past and realize that history absolutely repeats itself, then be prepared for when it’ll eventually repeat.
Take a look at your everyday life and notice the pain points, then be prepared so they’re never ‘pain points’ again.
Understand that the only thing we can control is ourselves, then be prepared so we’re never without our basic needs.
As much as we can learn from the past and try to foresee the future, the reality is, there are so many unknowns. The more that we can be prepared for those unknowns, the less surprised we’ll be and easier it’ll be to handle them.
The only constant is change.
Once we realize that we’re not able to control the world around us, the easier it’ll be to prep. We can’t control the people or situations that happen, but we can absolutely control how prepared we are for when those unexpected things that happen.
Did any of us see this pandemic coming? Maybe, to a point. Did any of us see the lockdowns? The mask mandates? The government overreach? The mass amount of protests and riots? And all in an election year to boot. It’s a lot to take in.
It can make you feel hopeless.
Until you realize that nobody else is responsible for your well being but you.
Don’t let anyone else have power over you. Not the government, not the power company, not the water company, not the grocery store, not the distribution chain, not your boss, not even your own family that thinks you’re a crazy prepper.
YOU are the only one responsible for the well being of yourself and your family. This isn’t to scare you, this is reality. There is no one who is going to care more about you than you.
You can certainly be prepared for just about anything if we continue down the road of preparedness and never stop learning.
There’s so much to learn, so much to do and no matter where you live or your circumstances, you can find someway to be prepared.
Of course, we all have our thresholds, as in, what kind of world would we want to live in? Many people come to terms with the fact that they won’t want to live in a nuclear world. Some choose to fight through it. It all depends on your resolve and what kind of life you want to lead.
I know it may feel like you’re never prepared enough, but trust me, something is better than nothing. As long as you continue with baby steps, you’ll get there.
Preparedness is a journey, not a race.
Enjoy the journey. Get involved in the prepper community, Be curious and learn how to do things for yourself.
Keep stocking up. Keep training. Keep learning. Keep failing. Keep on keepin’ on.
Conquer tomorrow, by preparing today!