How to Make an Easy DIY Rain Barrel for Self-Sufficiency

A rain barrel is an easy, affordable project to store rainwater for your garden or other outdoor needs. Let’s dive into how you can make your own rain barrel for under $100 with a few basic tools and materials!

Why Build a Rain Barrel?

Building a rain barrel lets you capture and store rainwater, giving you a sustainable water source for your garden, outdoor cleaning, and of course for emergency preparedness.

What You’ll Need

Here’s a simple materials list to make a rain barrel for under $100:

  • 55-Gallon Food-Grade Barrel: About $20-40 on Facebook marketplace.
  • Spigot: About $8-12 on Amazon.
  • Drill & Basic Tools: Varies in price, but if you already have it, it’s free! ;) Or borrow from friends or family.
  • Landscape Fabric: Purchase from any home improvement or gardening store for about $15-30.
  • Cinder Blocks (about 4): $2 per block, can be purchased from any home improvement store.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building Your DIY Rain Barrel

Step 1: Prepare the Barrel

  • Clean the Barrel: Whether it’s new or used, start by cleaning it.
  • Choose Your Location: Set up your rain barrel under a downspout where it can easily catch water from your roof. You can also set it up in the open without a downspout, or in the corner of your house where more direct water may fall.
  • Setup the Cinder Blocks: Pile the cinder blocks so the barrel can sit on top.

Step 2: Drill the Spigot Hole

  • Mark the Hole: Use a marker to mark a spot near the bottom of the barrel for your spigot. Keep it a few inches from the bottom so that you avoid picking up sediment.
  • Drill the Hole: Drill a small hole at your marked spot. Then use a bigger drill to make it the necessary size.
  • Install the Spigot: Thread the spigot into the hole. Make sure it’s tight but not too tight to avoid cracking the plastic.

Step 3: Cover the Top with Landscape Fabric

  • Cut and Secure the Fabric: Cut a hole in the rain barrel lid. Then cut a piece of landscape fabric that covers the top of the barrel. Secure the lid over the landscape fabric.

Step 4: Connect to Your Downspout

  • Position Under the Downspout: Place the barrel directly under the downspout. Or place it in the open somewhere in your yard that won’t be obstructed by trees or anything else.

Maintenance Tips

Once your rain barrel is set up, you’ll want to do a few things to keep it in good condition:

  • Clean the Filter Regularly: Check the landscape fabric for any build-up of debris and rinse it as needed.
  • Check for Leaks: Occasionally inspect the spigot and overflow areas for any leaks and tighten as needed.
  • Winterize in Cold Climates: If you live in a cold area, drain and disconnect the barrel before freezing temperatures to prevent cracking.

Final Thoughts

This DIY rain barrel project is easy, budget-friendly, and a great first step toward self-sufficiency.

So, grab a barrel, set up your rain catchment system, and start collecting water that falls from the sky!

Morgan is the founder of Rogue Preparedness. She has been a prepper for over a decade. She's a wife, mother of two daughters and is homesteading off grid. She teaches people how to be prepared for emergencies and disasters.

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