Important Emergency Documents – Rogue’s 31 Days To Readiness [Day 3]

important documents for emergencies

Have you seen day 1 and day 2?

Preppers like to believe that during an emergency or disaster, important papers will be useless because it’ll be the end of the world, so who cares! Let it all burn!

Don’t hope for the end. Prepare for now and our modern society and what it means to survive an emergency or disaster.

My husband is heavy into organization. I know the importance, but hate going through the process and wish it would just magically be organized for me. However, having all of our important documents together and ready to access within minutes has actually helped us more times than I can count.

Having our important documents all in once place to easily access them during times of crisis is very important.

Today is simple, get together your important documents.

Here are some basic criteria for your important documents:

  • Keep a physical copy of all documents inside of a document folder or binder.
  • It should be quickly and easily accessible to everyone in the household.
  • Also keep important documents stored in a secure cloud storage.
  • Consider also keeping all of your important documents on a thumb drive.

I wouldn’t recommending keeping all of your documents in just one place. Also, having a physical document might be much quicker and easier to access than digital or on a thumb drive. It just depends on the circumstances. Have all options available, but don’t forget about having the physical copies of the documents.

Here are some ideas of what types of important documents you should keep around:

  • Insurance forms (car, health, life, mortgage, etc.)
  • Marriage and/or divorce certificate
  • Copies of everyone’s ID
  • Passports
  • Cash and/or precious metals
  • Cherished family momento’s or photographs.
  • USB drive with photographs, copies of important documents and other important information
  • Pet vaccination records
  • Medical documentation
  • Birth certificates
  • Reference guides (first aid guides, wild edibles guides, urban guides, water purification guides, etc.)
  • Local and national maps
  • Will and/or estate plan
  • Deeds or ownership forms
  • Disability records
  • Auto titles
  • Education records
  • Retirement plan
  • Physical inventory list(s) of all your supplies, preps, valuables, etc. Pictures of those valuables is recommended, as well.
  • Emergency disaster plan

Pick and choose which ones you find the most important. You can add all of these or just some, it’s really up to you.

The quicker we can get our important documents together, the easier we’ll be able to sleep at night. We’ll know that no matter what happens, we won’t be scrambling around for important documents when we need them; they’ll be easily accessible because we had forethought to put them together.

An emergency or disaster is going to be stressful enough, there’s no need to make it even more stressful by having to fumble around to find your insurance information.

Remember, if any of your documents change, be sure to update them immediately so you have the latest up-to-date information.

See in day 4!

Morgan is the founder of Rogue Preparedness. She has been a prepper for over a decade. She's a wife, mother of two daughters and is homesteading off grid. She teaches people how to be prepared for emergencies and disasters.

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