Food Storage Ideas for Kids – National Preparedness Month

food storage for kids

Are your kids as obsessed with mac and cheese as my kids? Haha.

I’ve been curbing that habit but I’ll still be stocking up on Mac and cheese as well as supplies to make it like the pasta, powdered cheese, powdered milk and powdered butter.

Sure, kids eat most of the same stuff we do and I’m always trying to encourage my kids to try new things but sometimes they are picky! You know your kids best. My kids love granola bars so I like to make my own with oats, peanut butter, honey and chocolate chips.

There are some freeze dried and dehydrated meals that they like, too. Just depends on your kid and what they like.

There’s also short term storage items like cereals and fruit snacks. They don’t last that long but I have them in my short term layer storage.

I grow carrots and broccoli in the garden because I know they eat them.

Here are some additional ideas:

So, what do you store for your kids?

Check out these other posts related to preparedness with kids:

Bug Out Bag Food Ideas for Kids

45 Fun Outdoor Activities for Kids

15 Ways to Teach Kids About Preparedness

Preparedness With Kids

Family Preparedness 101

Bug Out Bag for Kids

This is in collaboration with:


Also be sure to check out the National Preparedness Month Collab on YouTube:

Morgan is the founder of Rogue Preparedness. She has been a prepper for over a decade. She's a wife, mother of two daughters and is homesteading off grid. She teaches people how to be prepared for emergencies and disasters.

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